Monday, December 9, 2013

What Day Is It?

A couple people have said some things to me that both hit home and helped me realize that I am more than capable of meeting my goals. I've had both the nice and kind love: The only thing in your way is yourself. Act like the person you want to be and think the thoughts you want to think, and eventually that will be who you are and what you think (fake it till you make it!). Take it one day at a time, that's all you can do. And I've had the tough love: The choice is yours, you either do or you don't. If you really want it, you will find a way to make it happen. Just do it!

Both of these kinds of love are so true and mean a lot to me. Even if one of those people is paid to tell me those things, I know they are on my side and supporting me. Even if I know all of those things, and I do, and I have told myself them in the past, it means very much to me to hear them from people that I care about. I know I'm not in this alone. That said, I may not be alone, but I'm the only one that can make this happen for myself. So, here I am again at Day 1, but just like B says.. two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward. And just like J says.. all I have control over is today. I either did or I didn't.

And today, I did. It wasn't Jillian, because I think maybe I'm just not fully up to Jillian yet if I'm honest with myself, and doing something is better than nothing. I did this video, and kicked it up a notch. I burned a lot of calories (though I'm not sure how many!), and damn if I don't feel good and proud of myself. 

JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I am going to wake up and give C25K another shot. I found a grassy path behind my apartment and I am going to retry it on that terrain so hopefully my shin won't hate me for it as much.

I think only J really reads this anymore, and this is mostly directed towards him, but thank you for being patient with me while I am on this path to bettering myself. It's not easy and I know I can be frustrating when I fall off the metaphorical bandwagon, but you always are there staying positive and encouraging me even though I know it would be easier to say, "what are you doing!? Just go out there and do it!" I do believe in myself and I can do this. Thank you for believing in me too.

I know some of these blog entries are me just talking myself into keeping my goals and restarting, but I think a year from now I will look back and appreciate my journey more when I remember how difficult it was. Who knows, maybe someone else at this point will someday read this and realize that they can do it too. That even I (who by then will be fit, healthy, and happy obviously!) had hiccups and lived the struggle. You can do it! And so can I.

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