Thursday, October 10, 2013

Sigur Ros Still Buzzing On My Mind

I'm just doing another quick update today. This week seems to be flying by and I'm having a harder time finding time to update. This morning I did my work out and it was cold! It didn't stay that way as I got moving though. I'm loving the weather the last few days. Fall is so awesome and I wish it could last forever. I don't want to wish it away, but I'm always looking forward to these weekends and doing fun fall things with J. Speaking of, I think we may take part in a 5K run/walk the last weekend of October! It's a Halloween themed 5K, and I really can't think of a better way to make my first plunge into running 5Ks.

Last night I went grocery shopping and got a lot of good food. The difference between this trip and others is that I don't have a ton of "grab and go" food. I have ingredients now to make a few recipes: English muffin egg sandwiches, creole chicken w/ brown rice, flatbread BBQ chicken/veggie pizza, and turkey chili. I did by some low-carb wraps for "sandwiches." Most of these are things I will make ahead of time and eat throughout the week for meals. Tonight I will be making the egg sandwiches. I'm going to take pictures, so expect an update on that soon. 

Oh and a short public service announcement: I am going LOW-CARB!! Well, lower carb that is. I briefly considered going no carb but then I remembered I am not a crazy person. We will see where this journey (and the "carb withdrawal flu") will take me. 

One more day until Friday! 

Last night's dinner: Veggie burger with Gorgonzola and walnut salad. (Sadly they didn't have my Gorgonzola salad at the grocery store so I could restock up!)

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