Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 1 Day 3 complete! Today, surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), was NOT hard! Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy, but I didn't come inside and collapse into my chair and panting like a fish out of water. Today was the first day I felt my body say, "Ok, well I guess you aren't going to give this nonsense up, I guess I will just have to cooperate." It's only day 3 and I can tell I'm improving. Knowing how finicky the body can be, I won't be surprising if I revert, but I am prepared to. Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward! Today I will be drinking LOTS of water because I feel a bit dehydrated, and I'm going to stop by Wawa and grab a banana this morning if I have time because I think I'm getting a shin splint in my right shin. Anyway, check out my progress!

1.61 miles up from 1.31 miles yesterday! Off to shower and get to work now. Jacksonville meters, here I come. Have a great day!

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