Monday, December 9, 2013

What Day Is It?

A couple people have said some things to me that both hit home and helped me realize that I am more than capable of meeting my goals. I've had both the nice and kind love: The only thing in your way is yourself. Act like the person you want to be and think the thoughts you want to think, and eventually that will be who you are and what you think (fake it till you make it!). Take it one day at a time, that's all you can do. And I've had the tough love: The choice is yours, you either do or you don't. If you really want it, you will find a way to make it happen. Just do it!

Both of these kinds of love are so true and mean a lot to me. Even if one of those people is paid to tell me those things, I know they are on my side and supporting me. Even if I know all of those things, and I do, and I have told myself them in the past, it means very much to me to hear them from people that I care about. I know I'm not in this alone. That said, I may not be alone, but I'm the only one that can make this happen for myself. So, here I am again at Day 1, but just like B says.. two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward. And just like J says.. all I have control over is today. I either did or I didn't.

And today, I did. It wasn't Jillian, because I think maybe I'm just not fully up to Jillian yet if I'm honest with myself, and doing something is better than nothing. I did this video, and kicked it up a notch. I burned a lot of calories (though I'm not sure how many!), and damn if I don't feel good and proud of myself. 

JUST DO IT!!!!!!!

Tomorrow I am going to wake up and give C25K another shot. I found a grassy path behind my apartment and I am going to retry it on that terrain so hopefully my shin won't hate me for it as much.

I think only J really reads this anymore, and this is mostly directed towards him, but thank you for being patient with me while I am on this path to bettering myself. It's not easy and I know I can be frustrating when I fall off the metaphorical bandwagon, but you always are there staying positive and encouraging me even though I know it would be easier to say, "what are you doing!? Just go out there and do it!" I do believe in myself and I can do this. Thank you for believing in me too.

I know some of these blog entries are me just talking myself into keeping my goals and restarting, but I think a year from now I will look back and appreciate my journey more when I remember how difficult it was. Who knows, maybe someone else at this point will someday read this and realize that they can do it too. That even I (who by then will be fit, healthy, and happy obviously!) had hiccups and lived the struggle. You can do it! And so can I.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Iron Lung

First I wanted to just say that today I was informed that I received the top bonus for my October meters! I received $250 and the main director of operations at our corporate office sent me an email thanking me for my hard work. It feels nice to be acknowledged! Plus money!

Now that that is out of the way, today I wanted to write a little about something interesting I read today and did a little further research on. I really enjoy reading and learning and thought it was prime time I begin sharing some of what I learn daily with my little section of the internet.


Not many people nowadays really know what Polio is. They know that it is a debilitating illness that happened far in the past that they don't have to worry about. The truth is though, that in the not too distant past Polio was Boogeyman come to life that paralyzed nearly 300,000 people, with estimates from 10 to 20 million polio survivors worldwide. Parents and children alike were terrified of Polio, especially considering it struck the young more readily. In the first half of the 20th century, with WWII raging on, a polio pandemic struck Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand. There was and is currently no cure for the disease, and there was no vaccine that we taken for granted today.

An unlucky young victim of polio in the 1940s maybe have swam in a public swimming pool, drank after someone, or forgot to wash their hands. After a few days, he would have begun to feel ill as if he had a flu (fever, sore throat, headache, fatigue, etc). Soon after he may have begun to have trouble walking, have poor reflexes, muscle spasms, and even sudden paralysis. He may have woken one day and found himself in some horrific, medieval torture-device-looking monstrosity like this:

"No, no one forced me to smile I swear."

The Iron Lung

The Iron Lung did just that. It did not provide oxygen, but by using negative pressure it forced the lungs of the patient to expand and contract. It used pure force to lovingly force your polio-ridden air beasts to suck up life-giving breath. Patients needing the iron lung had paralysis such that their diaphragm was unable to work the lungs on its own. If our young victim was lucky he would spend only a few months in the summer in an iron lung. If he was really lucky, he would spend about 2 weeks before being strong enough to breathe on his own. If he was particularly unlucky he would spend upwards of a two years or more forgetting what his lower extremities look like. And he won't be alone. There will be many children sharing his fate. 



Many children.

It's easy to read and look at pictures about something that happened decades before you were even thought of, but what was it really like to be little Billy (I named him)? Let's say it's 1952 when polio was at its peak. Billy is 9 and lives in a nice little town that he has never left. He comes down with something, and a few days later is rushed off to the hospital. Billy, who runs, jumps, and chases his dog for a living, suddenly can't feel his left leg anymore and is struggling to breathe. He is utterly terrified in this new place, with these new people, and is hearing adults whispering about polio when they think they are out of earshot. Billy has known a many kids already who have gotten polio, and a few who died. How would you feel? What were you doing when you were 9? 

Shortly after he has trouble breathing, he is whisked away again to a distant hospital that has one of the very expensive iron lungs (as costly as a house in today's dollars). He still hasn't been told anything about what is going on because in 1952 people didn't care quite so much about Billy's mental state. He falls asleep or maybe passes out at some point and when he wakes up he can't see his body anymore.

Billy says goodbye to his body.

Because Billy's family is solidly working class people, his parents can't afford to visit him except very few and far between times. Billy is alone, scared, and can't understand why he can't get out of the machine because still no one has told him what it is doing for him. Maybe Billy is lucky (but not too lucky) and only has to spend 6 months in the iron lung. During this time Billy will probably see his parents once or twice, and will spend much of his time alone. One iron lung patient described his experience much like Billy. He recalled a few terrifying moments when one of the "port holes" on the side of the machine came open and he was unable to call to help because he couldn't breathe. Miraculously each time a nurse found him struggling (this was prior to alarms being put on the machine). I don't know about you, but that just makes me want to gulp in some fresh air and pass out from oxygen overdoses.

Billy probably spent some time talking with other children (though sadly many of his new friends would die before he goes home), being read to by kind nurses, and possibly even learning some things in the absence of school or listening to the radio. One survivor describes forgetting how to write, walk, and read in his time spent in an iron lung.

Billy's little sister can't figure out what the hell he is doing.

This guy just wants to be read to.

A few years after Billy recovers as best he can (he might still be able to walk with crutches), the polio vaccine will come out. Mothers and grandmothers will cry, and children will line up at school to eat a flavored sugar cube containing the vaccine. It wasn't without controversy, as there were cases of the vaccine giving polio to some recipients, but it would largely wipe out the pandemic of polio, killing the Boogeyman.


 Today the iron lung is all but retired. We now use positive pressure ventilation, which consists of intubating patients so that oxygen goes directly into their lungs. Amazingly, there are still people in iron lungs today. June Middleton died in 2009 at 83. She spent 60 insane years in an iron lung after she contracted polio at age 22. There are estimated fewer that 40 people still using an iron lung today.

As for polio, despite Bill Gates' best efforts, it is still around. There is still no cure for polio. It has largely been eradicated in the developed world because of the polio vaccine, but there are fears that it might resurface due to the anti-vaccine movement that irrational, ignorant parents have jumped on. Please vaccinate your kids.

In the third world, polio is still a large problem. In Pakistan and Africa right now there is an outbreak of polio due to the Taliban banning inoculation, and being openly hostile to the World Health Organization's (WHO) attempts to vaccinate the 20+ million children in those countries. Recently a strain of the virus in Syria that has crippled 13 children was linked to Pakistan.  That has to stop, seriously.

Thanks for reading guys. Leave me some feedback and let me know if you found this interesting, informative, boring, too long, etc. I'm off to get my butt kicked by Jillian! See you next time.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday Again

Hi everyone. I definitely haven't posted like I wanted to last week. The weekends really throw me off and I need to find the right balance with them. That said, this weekend won't be much different, though it will be much fun! We are doing a 5k this Saturday. My first one! We are driving to Sebring Friday evening, staying with some friends, and the four of us are doing the 5k Saturday morning. Saturday evening we are going to a Halloween party that our friends are throwing in Sebring. We are going to make some pumpkin dip (!!!) and bring graham crackers and apple slices for dipping. Can't wait! Sunday evening we are going to HHN.. Who all is going is yet to be determined. This week I still need to make my costume (Hypatia) and get things ready for the weekend. 

I won't say much more in this short update, but I've been working hard on myself and being honest with myself and others. I have been eating well still, but I haven't done my 30 Day Shred since before this weekend :\. I feel a bit bummed about it, but I'm also not going to hide under a rock because of one (or 2-5) slip ups. I still got this. I'm also not going to put so much pressure on myself that I must do every single day or I'm a failure. Because I'm not! Even small successes are at still successes. 

All that said, I almost didn't update this evening because I was nervous about what I would say, but then I saw this Reddit AMA by the beautiful Allie Brosh:

She writes a great comic, Hyperbole and a Half. She's an inspiration and I love her work. Her new book is coming out Thursday! Remind me in three or four pay checks to get it. I love her and she helps remind me that I love me, even if things don't always go exactly as I envision. It's pretty silly to kick yourself when your down, isn't it? Tomorrow I will do another day of the Shred, and Satuday I will participate In my first 5k, even if I have to walk the whole way (I don't plan to.) This weekend will be a blast, next week is Halloween, and in two weeks J and I are celebrating 4 awesome years. 

Goodnight everyone! Here's to another step forward. Love you guys.

Enjoy this random picture from my iPad, since that is where I'm updating from and I want a picture on this post:

My preeeeecious....

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday Tuesday!

Hello my loyal readers!

So this weekend was really great again. J and I finished watching season 2 of American Horror Story, and watched the first episode of season 3. Season 2 was a lot more gory than the first season and I missed a lot of the mystery of the first as well, but it got a lot better towards the end. It ended a little strangely character-wise, but all in all I give it a solid B rating. The first episode of season 3 was great. This season is based on a coven of witches, and I really enjoyed where they seem to be going with it. J said that the creators really took to heart some of the criticism of the second season (too much blood and gore!) and fingers crossed that things will be different this time around.

We also watched the Blair Witch Project, which has really stood up against the test of time. It still freaked me out quite a bit! We made some delicious meals including my BBQ chicken flatbread pizza (so easy to make, healthy, and fast). I will definitely be making this again in the near future. We also made some pumpkin honey beer bread. It was really delicious! Again pretty darn easy to make. A great first foray into fall-themed recipes.

Since I haven't yet brought this to the attention of my blog, I will tell you that I have stopped doing the C25K. I definitely want to revisit it in the future, but at the current moment I had to make a judgment call because running on the asphalt was really killing my lower-extremities. My shin splint that I thought I had I believe may have actually been an injury, and continuing to run on it wasn't a good idea. Never fear though, I have picked up an alternative! I am doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred videos. I have done two days now and they are KILLER. She is a real hard-ass and makes you work hard, but that's why I like her! I'm now doing strength training and cardio with the video in my apartment and my shin is thanking me for it. I think I may actually be burning more calories doing this! Her video consists of stretching, pushups, "skipping rope", running in place, etc. I still need to buy some small weights (3-5lbs) for some of her exercises. Since it's a 30 DAY Shred, you guessed it, it is 30 days straight! I believe there are one or two days off, but I think I'm up for this. People have lost up to 30 pounds doing this, so I'm excited! Once I get through it I may start doing p90x or maybe one of her other videos. Or maybe I will revisit C25K with a little lighter "load" and my shin won't hate me as much.

Anyway, I will be back tomorrow (PROMISE!!!). If anyone is still reading this, feel free to bug me if I haven't posted in awhile. And I appreciate everyone always asking me how it's going and if I'm still on track. It keeps me honest!

Have a good day tomorrow guys!

(Irrelevant picture that I thought was cool. Now this is the way to stack wood!)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Homemade, Healthy Egg McMuffin Alternative

So I don't often go to McDonalds, but when I do it is for breakfast and I get the a sausage biscuit. I almost always hate myself afterwords (or rather, my body hates me). Fear not! Regret and despair do not have to become a part of your morning routine. That is something I can love! I borrowed this recipe from The Yummy Life, with only slight variations added. It is healthy, quick, and easy to make ahead and pop in the oven or microwave for quick, healthy, filling breakfasts.


Time to Make: ~45 minutes
Makes: 12 egg sandwiches
Serving Size: 1 sandwich
Calories: 229
Carbs: 13g
Fat: 14g
Protein: 18g
Sodium: 546g
Sugar: 3g


  • 12 whole wheat english muffins
  • 12 brown eggs
  • 12 slices of cheese (I used Sargento - Ultra Thin Slices - 45 calories each)
  • 12 turkey sausage patties (I used Jimmy Dean maple turkey), or Canadian bacon
  • Salt & Pepper
  • any veggies you would like to add

 (I forgot to add the english muffins in this picture, but each package has 6 muffins, so you will need two if you want to make a dozen.)

 Cook the sausage (or turkey) according to package directions. For the Jimmy Dean turkey sausages, you essentially just heat them up in the pan.

 Crack the eggs into a muffin pan. You can also use any oven-safe container that you have. The goal is to make them patty-shaped so that they fit easily onto the muffin.

Salt and Pepper eggs to taste. The salt is unnecessary because the sausage has a lot in it already. You can also break the egg yolk at this step if you wish to get the yolk to spread around a bit more. For an even healthier alternative, consider egg beaters or egg whites. Next time I make these I will also be adding veggies into this step. If you have any (peppers would be great!) add them here.

Bake the eggs in the oven at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. The longer you leave them in the "harder" they will be, so it is a personal preference. Be sure they are cooked thoroughly.

This is what mine looked like after! 

While the eggs are cooking, split the muffins onto a pan. If you want like them toasted, toast them at this step. I put my muffins in the oven and set it to broil for about 2 minutes. Perfectly toasted! Place the cheese on one side of the muffin and fold in the corners so the cheese doesn't hang over.

Assemble your ingredients!


 Did I mention.....

 That I LOVE my camera!?!?

Once you have assembled your delicious muffins and resisted all temptation to eat them straight away, wrap them up in wax paper or aluminum foil depending on whether you want to reheat them by microwave or oven. Throw them in the freezer, and enjoy the next 2 weeks of delicious, quick, and easy grab-and-go breakfast! I had one of these for dinner (couldn't resist!) and it was delicious. I recommend microwaving them for 1-2 minutes at full power.

Another tip: Add any fresh veggies that you don't wish to freeze when you are heating them up. I will probably eat mine with spinach and maybe tomato. They would be good with sauce as well! 

 Bonus shot of the freezer. My roommate is a food pack-rat. With at poorly as she eats, she must have some interesting bathroom visits! (The only thing that is mine in this freezer is the flatbread pizza, turkey burgers, ground turkey, and chicken.

 And because by this point I was having fun with my camera, here is a shot of my shelf in the pantry! Lots of good food here :)

Yes, these are 4 large boxes of donuts that my roommate inexplicably has on the counter! 

My dinner :) 

I hope you enjoy! Leave a comment if you tried them and have any suggestions or if you did something differently. I'd love to hear! My next recipe with likely be either turkey chili or flatbread BBQ chicken pizza. I may also make some pumpkin-honey beer bread this weekend! Until next time.

Sigur Ros Still Buzzing On My Mind

I'm just doing another quick update today. This week seems to be flying by and I'm having a harder time finding time to update. This morning I did my work out and it was cold! It didn't stay that way as I got moving though. I'm loving the weather the last few days. Fall is so awesome and I wish it could last forever. I don't want to wish it away, but I'm always looking forward to these weekends and doing fun fall things with J. Speaking of, I think we may take part in a 5K run/walk the last weekend of October! It's a Halloween themed 5K, and I really can't think of a better way to make my first plunge into running 5Ks.

Last night I went grocery shopping and got a lot of good food. The difference between this trip and others is that I don't have a ton of "grab and go" food. I have ingredients now to make a few recipes: English muffin egg sandwiches, creole chicken w/ brown rice, flatbread BBQ chicken/veggie pizza, and turkey chili. I did by some low-carb wraps for "sandwiches." Most of these are things I will make ahead of time and eat throughout the week for meals. Tonight I will be making the egg sandwiches. I'm going to take pictures, so expect an update on that soon. 

Oh and a short public service announcement: I am going LOW-CARB!! Well, lower carb that is. I briefly considered going no carb but then I remembered I am not a crazy person. We will see where this journey (and the "carb withdrawal flu") will take me. 

One more day until Friday! 

Last night's dinner: Veggie burger with Gorgonzola and walnut salad. (Sadly they didn't have my Gorgonzola salad at the grocery store so I could restock up!)

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Quickie!

Good morning everyone. I feel like I have been neglecting my blogging duties because of lack of time, so I am grueling through it on my laggy iPhone at work (don't download ios7 if you have iPhone 4 or earlier!

Last night I saw one of the best shows and one of my favorite bands of all time. It really was a dream come true and reminded me why I love them so much. It was a great show and I definitely shed some tears. Especially with all the stress lately, this was a really nice treat. It was nice to spend time with J and K & A (some friends of ours).

I'm not going to write much more because this is super annoying to do on my phone (Google keeps kicking me out), but I did my first day of week 2 yesterday! It went well and was about as hard as day 1 was. Today I didn't do it because I was so darn tired and wanted to get more sleep to get through today (getting enough sleep is important for me because it helps curb my anxiety). So I will be doing Thurs, Fri, and I may do Sat or Sun morning as well. I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, I have eaten well this week and am going shopping tonight for groceries! I will be spending my lunch break making a list. Have a nice day everyone :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Hello Readers! No I haven't forgotten about you! There was a lot going on this weekend and I didn't have any time to properly update this blog, so I waited until I did. Speaking of, I had a great weekend. We spent some time in Sebring for my friend's birthday, saw "Gravity" in IMAX 3D (GREAT movie), and I spent a lot of wonderful time with my boyfriend. Perfect weekend!

Friday morning I did my last workout for the week and put myself over the edge for my goal this week! :) 114 calories over for that matter!

The extra calories burned (plus the calories I haven't included since I'm "low-balling" my estimated calories burned with the C25K program) definitely help the extra calories I took in this weekend (pizza, a little ice cream, and some alcohol). Other than those things, I stuck to my plan quite well, though I'm not going to include all of it here. I made good decisions when eating out and only ate my fill.

This morning I did not do my first day of the second week of C25K. This was deliberate and not a decision made in the morning (i.e. I didn't crawl back in bed and put off doing it!). As I mentioned in past posts, I have been having an issue with a shin splint in my right shin. I did some research to see if it was safe to just work through, and the advice I found was "no, not really." So I wanted to give it an extra day of rest before I start back up tomorrow. It is still hurting and aching a bit, but I'm nervous to give it any more time and risk not keeping up with my workouts.

Speaking of, in the interest of full disclosure, I am a little anxious that I will "fall off the bandwagon" because I missed today. It sounds funny, but just writing that fear is empowering enough to not have that happen. I am fully planning to begin the next week in C25K tomorrow and do it for the rest of the week. The great thing about this blog is that it helps me write down some of those anxieties and gain some control over them. After I finish this writing, I am going to light my pumpkin candle and take a hot shower. I feel better already.

I skipped breakfast this morning and didn't have my snacks at work today. I honestly really just wasn't feeling it! I am working on reconciling my wish to eat enough calories during the day and only eating when I am hungry. I am under by a few hundred calories, but I just wasn't hungry for it. One thing I have learned about nutrition in my "travels" is that losing/gaining pounds is what happens over about a week and not day by day. Since I had a few extra calories this weekend, then this "short" day probably will actually work out. If that makes sense!

Now that all of that is out of the way, I have some good news to share! Last week, I told you about my goal to have as little Jacksonville meters estimated as possible. Well, I ended last week with NO Jacksonville meters getting estimated! I worked my butt off and got it done. :D Now I just need 3 more weeks of the same success I will be able to not only get the $250 bonus but make the "in a perfect world" goal for meters. Fingers crossed!

I had a long week of ups and downs last week, but I am proud of myself for how I handled each problem as well as any anxiety I experienced. I know I won't always have success like this week, but I am going to do my best to continue to better myself mentally, physically, and emotionally.

This week my goals are to end this week feeling as good as I ended last week, continue studying my vocab and math, make a list of recipes I would like to try (and a schedule), and get groceries totaling less than $100 for the next two weeks. Also, this past weekend was a bit of a special weekend (and I let myself not worry too much about food, other than trying to make good choices), but this weekend I want to make meals at home as much as possible (maybe eating out once). J and I will be making some pumpkin food, so that shouldn't be too difficult!

I'm going to end this here and go start my laundry and my relaxing routine, but on a final note: Sigur Ros concert TOMORROW!!!!!!!!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today was long, but I made some good progress at work, though a lot more difficult work ahead of me. The best part of the day? I finished Week 1, Day 3 of C25K. :) Technically I am now officially done with Week 1, but I am going to repeat the workout Thursday and Friday. See my previous post for my after-workout analysis.

Here's what my day looked like:

 (Click to Enlarge)

Sooo I'm learning (well, admitting) that I am a bit of a carb addict! Not gonna lie though, that Steamed Alfredo & Veggie pasta was seriously delicious. I didn't really realize just how many carbs were in that! Also, my Fiber One cereal has a lot, but I love me some fiber. Regardless, I'm still in range for everything, and did better with my protein today. I can't wait to go grocery shopping again and start making simple recipes! Sadly I have another week or so to go until I do.

Other than finishing my workout, my favorite part of my day is entering it into Sparkpeople. I am really close to my goal of 800 calories burned this week. I'm off to study some and play WoW. I hope everyone had a nice day :)
Week 1 Day 3 complete! Today, surprisingly (or maybe not so surprisingly), was NOT hard! Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy, but I didn't come inside and collapse into my chair and panting like a fish out of water. Today was the first day I felt my body say, "Ok, well I guess you aren't going to give this nonsense up, I guess I will just have to cooperate." It's only day 3 and I can tell I'm improving. Knowing how finicky the body can be, I won't be surprising if I revert, but I am prepared to. Two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward! Today I will be drinking LOTS of water because I feel a bit dehydrated, and I'm going to stop by Wawa and grab a banana this morning if I have time because I think I'm getting a shin splint in my right shin. Anyway, check out my progress!

1.61 miles up from 1.31 miles yesterday! Off to shower and get to work now. Jacksonville meters, here I come. Have a great day!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hi everyone. I made another post further down that isn't related to fitness (mostly), but it got too long so I'm writing my progress journal here. I found a bit of an easier way to track my food here:

(Click to make larger)

This is taken directly from Sparkpeople. As you can see, I made some good progress today I think. I'm still not where I want to be with protein (I went with the peanut butter, but it actually didn't have as much as I had thought). I'm going to do the veggie burgers more (SO delicious), the cheese is a great source of protein, and I am still looking for some recipes for the future. I found what looks to be an amazingly delicious egg "McMuffin" homemade recipe that I can make on the weekend, freeze, and take throughout the week. The eggs will be a big boost is protein. Check it out here. I will probably make them with the turkey sausage and mix some veggies in the eggs before cooking. This recipe has a whopping 21g of protein! And only 258 calories altogether - perfect for breakfast.

As for the carbs, well, I'm still within my range, but I want to lower that intake as well. Unfortunately I will have to live with it until I run out of my bread and make my next grocery store run next week for some better meal options. My calories are also on the low end of the scale today which is good. By the way, I didn't eat my serving of pretzels I brought for a snack today. I just wasn't hungry for it. I think the peanut butter kept me fuller today.

I just love adding my exercises to Sparkpeople. Look at me go! I am well on my way to beginning week 2 next week (90 seconds jogging and 2 minutes walking). By the way, just to give a run down of this program in case you are interested, the gist is to go from the couch to running a 5K (3.1 miles) in 9 weeks. Three times a week you do the same workout, and the next you move on. Here are the steps, numbered by week:

  1. Brisk 5 minutes warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. 
  2. Brisk 5 minutes warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds jogging and 2 minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. 
  3. Brisk 5 minutes warmup walk. Then do two repetitions of the following: 
    1. Jog 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
    2. Walk 200 yards (or 90 seconds)
    3. Jog 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
    4. Walk 400 yards (or 3 minutes)
  4. Brisk 5 minute warmup walk, then:
    1. Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
    2. Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
    3. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
    4. Walk 1/4 mile (or 2.5 minutes)
    5. Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
    6. Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
    7. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  5. Brisk 5 minute warmup walk, then:
    1. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
    2. Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
    3. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
    4. Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
    5. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  6. Brisk 5 minute warmup walk, then:
    1. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
    2. Walk 1/3 mile (or 3 minutes)
    3. Jog 3/4 mile (or 8 minutes)
    4. Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
    5. Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  7. Brisk 5 minute warmup walk, then jog 2.5 miles (or 25 minutes)
  8. Brisk 5 minute warmup walk, then jog 2.75 miles (or 28 minutes)
  9. Brisk 5 minute warmup walk, then jog 3 miles (or 30 minutes)
My app I am using for this is pretty cool. I figured out how to listen to music with it on. My "coach" talks over the music and tells me when to walk or jog. I have it set to just doing by time right now, but you can change it to track distance as well. I will likely have to repeat some of these weeks, but I'm hoping not to until at least Week 4.

Well, I'm off to study some GRE Math (Substitution!). Have a great evening everyone, and look for my blog tomorrow!
So as some of you know, I have had a rough past few days. Yesterday I learned that the person I foolishly entrusted my french horn to ran over it with his car (writing that sentence hurts). Today my roommate decided that she wants to move out (for reasons you know if you should, and for everyone else, it is due to immaturity on her part). Despite this stress however, I haven't yet felt underwater. It's a blessing in disguise that I have woken up these past two mornings to do my workout. It really gave me the energy and physiological support to feel less stressed (aka endorphins). You always hear that exercise improves your mood, lessens stress, and makes you feel better.. well, it's true. I am not only proud of myself for taking these first real steps, but glad I did it so I could better handle these past few days.

The GOOD news, which I received today right before quitting time at work, is that my boss has offered me a bonus if I get my meter estimates down to a certain percentage for Jacksonville. Since that is probably gibberish to some of you, let me try to briefly explain (if you are just passing through this blog, you probably won't care about this):

The company I work for is a dealer of copiers, printers, mailing machines, etc. as well as offering services and supplies to our customers under contract with us. These customers generally are given (under their contract) a certain amount of copies/prints they can make for a base price. For example, they may be allowed to make 2000 prints a month for $20/mo. After they go over their allotted copies/prints, they are charged overages. So for this example, they may be charged $0.01 for each black and white, and $0.05 for each color print they make.

The way that we verify how many copies/prints they have done in a month, they must send in a meter read from the machine every month on their due date. Typically the way we gather these meters is through automated requests (faxes or emails that go out near their due date) that they have to reply to, or through software installed on a computer that automatically send their meters to us (Called Quickview or FM Audit). Many times, as you can imagine, customers don't send their meter in. Maybe the person that usually does it is out sick or on vacation, they no longer have the machine and don't tell us so they ignore the requests, they cancelled their contract but the meter is still billing, or they simply forget/don't care. THESE trouble-meters have to be manually called/emailed/faxed upon every month (every day because of varying due dates). Guess who has been tasked with this? You guessed it: ME!

Canon Imagerunner: Just press "Counter Check"!!!! PLEASE!!!!

So every day I receive a "Missing Meter Report" from our meter department in Tampa (headquarters). This report has meters that are "Due Today" (meters due TODAY or within the next 3 days), "Overdue" (meters that are past due from 1-5 days), and "Estimates Needed" (meters that are past 5 days overdue and require an estimate). Estimates are BAD and must be avoided at all costs. Basically the meter department in Tampa takes an average of their past reported meters if available. We want actual meters at all costs.

SO to the actual situation! I do the meters for Orlando and Jacksonville (Jacksonville beginning today, 10/1). Jacksonville is historically very difficult to get meters for. Most of the machines in Jacksonville are on Quickview, as explained above, and most of the meters on the Missing Meter Report are Quickview meters that for one reason or another are not pulling from the software (either someone uninstalled the software, got a new computer, never turn on the computer, etc. or there is an IP/Network issue). The thing about these Quickview meters is that they are typically used for companies that have many machines (10, 20, 30+). In their contract, the customers are required to provide their meters manually in  the case that Quickview isn't working. However, customers don't care and pretty much always make a fuss about this and/or refuse to give the meters at all. Historically, estimates made (out of all the machines in Jacksonville), have been over 50% for Jacksonville.

Today my boss offered me a "bonus opportunity" under these conditions:

Estimates Percentage Bonus        Equiv. No of Meters
Less than 3%   $250                     Less than 50 Estimates
3.01-5.00%     $150                      51-84
5.01-7.00%     $50                        85-117

So, as you can hopefully see from my not-as-brief-as-I-intended explanation, it will be quite difficult. She also explained that our "goal" is always less that 0.5% estimated, which is less than 8 (EIGHT) meter estimates. However, I am going to work really hard and make every effort I can to at least get one of these bonuses!! In the past my anxiety has sometimes kept me from calling on the most difficult meters (customers), as I'm not great with confrontation, but I am challenging myself this month to leave no stone unturned and use every resource possible to make this happen. I essentially have 8 days for each meter to find out the problem from the right person, find out if it can be fixed quickly or if I need to get the meter manually, find the right contact (sometimes a difficult task), speak with the contact and convince them to give me their meters (teaching them how, providing them with a spreadsheet if necessary, etc.), and then receiving the meters from them within those 8 days (by this time maybe 5 or 3 days), and have them entered into the system so that they don't end up on the "Estimates Needed" tab on the spreadsheet the next day. FINGERS CROSSED!!
Hi all! I'm back this morning in recovery again. Immediate afterthoughts: I'm beat! Today was more difficult mentally and less difficult physically. What I mean by that is this morning I tried really hard to talk myself into skipping today. I was feeling really sore from yesterday and was thinking "well, I should probably take a breather between days, right? My muscles need to rejuvenate."

Then I remembered what it was like marching drum corps, and how we didn't get break between days, and we got pushed harder than I thought humanly possibly. And you know what? We survived. We were better for it, and our bodies adapted (quickly!). So I just got up and got dressed and went out the door.

Physically, it was not as difficult as yesterday, though mentally I was battling myself the whole way. I did it though. Week 1, Day 2 complete!

I'm off to shower and get ready for work now. Thanks for reading!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Hey Guys! So let's get right down to it.

Monday Sept. 30, 2013



  • 1 serving Fiber One Honey Clusters cereal
  • 1 serving reduced fat milk


  • 2 slices Nature's Own honey wheat bread
  • 1  serving (I think, I still don't own a food scale), honey ham
  • 1 serving Publix 2% provolone cheese
  • 1 serving (20 minis) Snyder's mini pretzels


  • 2 servings Bird's Eye Steamed Rigatoni & Vegetables  

  • 1 serving Snyder's mini pretzels
  • 2 servings Weight Watchers string cheese (50 cal each)

Comments: I did great today! I still need to focus on lowering my carbs and increasing my protein. As you can see I'm in the high end of carbs and low end of protein. I'm still within the range though at least. One of the bigger reasons that I want to do this (besides it's just better for you), is that I really struggled today with hunger. In fact I'm still pretty hungry! Carbs make you hungrier faster and protein keeps you fuller longer. 

Starting at my next grocery store trip, I want to make some of my own recipes (maybe freeze them and eat them through the week). I also want to eat more complex carbs (veggies) and maybe even avoid bread altogether (maybe...). I'm going to work this week to make a list of simple recipes I can make with ingredients that won't break the bank. 


So I know I wrote a post this morning about this, but I'll reiterate. This morning I woke up at 5:45am (!!!) and did the first day, first week of the Couch to 5K program. Th first week consists of a 5 minute brisk warmup walk, then 1 minute of jogging, and 1.5 minutes of walking (repeat for 20 minutes), then a 5 minute cool down walk. It was hard, but I felt pretty proud at the end. I almost gave up, but I didn't. Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 5:30am so I have a few more minutes to sit and recover after! This morning I had to jump right into the shower when I got back and I was super dead! 

Anyway, the waking up part itself isn't that fun but I got over it quickly. The program itself is for 3 days a week, but I am going to aim for 5 days a week, with weekends being a break if I want. Hopefully it won't be a problem and next week I'll be able to move onto week 2 of the program and not have to repeat week one. I had some trouble finding how many calories were burned using this, but I found a pretty cool spreadsheet. And without further ado, the numbers don't lie! 

Already halfway to my weekly goal and everything over that will be icing on the cake. :) 

Thanks for reading!

Hey guys!

I am writing this during recovery after my first real foray into the Couch to 5K (C25K) program. Let me tell you, I am DEAD. This is what I did this morning:

  1. Brisk 5 minute warm up walk
  2. Jog for 1 minute
  3. Brisk walk for 1:30 minutes
  4. Repeat ad infinitum (or what felt like it, but really was 20 minutes)
  5. Brisk 5 minute cool down
I'm a lot more worn out than I expected. I have been taking walks for a few weeks now, but this really got my heart rate up and was quite difficult. 

Anyway, I need to shower and get ready for WORK. The nice part is now my workout for today is done so when I get home from work I don't have to worry about it.

Have a nice day!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Day 1

Hello Readers!

This is technically not Day 1, but for the sake of the blog I'm going to treat it as such. I'm going to update it every day, work out or not. I will be taking pictures and tracking measurements, but I'm not sure yet if I want to post them on a public blog. I might make certain posts friends-only so that I can include those. I'm not sure if I can do that, but I could do it in 2003 on LiveJournal so I'm sure I can. I'm going to be using SparkPeople to help me out with some of the food tracking.

My goals right now are to eat 1200-1550 calories a day, and burn 800 calories a week. I have decided not to track my weight, though I do have a starting weight just for knowledge's sake.

My format for tracking will be thus:

Sunday Sept. 29, 2013


  • 1 serving of Fiber One Cereal
  • 1 serving of lowfat milk
  • half a mango


  • 2 slices of Nature's Own honey wheat bread
  • 2 servings of Smart Balance peanut butter (with Omega-3)
  • 1 serving Smuckers strawberry jam
  • 1 serving Snyder's mini pretzels


  • None today


  • 30 minutes of walking
  • 3 sets of "stadiums" 

Calories in:  (from SparkPeople website)

Calories out:

So that's it. I'm going to do this daily. Goals that I want to accomplish this week are:

  1. Wake up every morning and do my workout before work.
  2. Try to work in some more protein in my diet. 
  3. Drink 8 glasses of water a day.
  4. Get through the first two sections of GRE math (Substitution and Probability & Statistics) and one hour daily of Vocab practice.
  5. Come up with a list of fields I would most like to work in, to be built upon for future goals.
  6. At work, make an outline/timeline of how I want to work on the Jacksonville and Orlando meters this month. 
  7. For pleasure, finish (hopefully!) Clash of Kings, level Eiron to 90 (WoW), and do all of the Throne of Thunders LFRs on Dapi.
Well I think I have written enough for now. I will only be sharing this with a few people, but feel free to comment and let me know of any changes you suggest in the layout, etc. 

Thanks for reading!

- Erin