Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A Quickie!

Good morning everyone. I feel like I have been neglecting my blogging duties because of lack of time, so I am grueling through it on my laggy iPhone at work (don't download ios7 if you have iPhone 4 or earlier!

Last night I saw one of the best shows and one of my favorite bands of all time. It really was a dream come true and reminded me why I love them so much. It was a great show and I definitely shed some tears. Especially with all the stress lately, this was a really nice treat. It was nice to spend time with J and K & A (some friends of ours).

I'm not going to write much more because this is super annoying to do on my phone (Google keeps kicking me out), but I did my first day of week 2 yesterday! It went well and was about as hard as day 1 was. Today I didn't do it because I was so darn tired and wanted to get more sleep to get through today (getting enough sleep is important for me because it helps curb my anxiety). So I will be doing Thurs, Fri, and I may do Sat or Sun morning as well. I'm not sure yet.

Anyway, I have eaten well this week and am going shopping tonight for groceries! I will be spending my lunch break making a list. Have a nice day everyone :)

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