Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Today was long, but I made some good progress at work, though a lot more difficult work ahead of me. The best part of the day? I finished Week 1, Day 3 of C25K. :) Technically I am now officially done with Week 1, but I am going to repeat the workout Thursday and Friday. See my previous post for my after-workout analysis.

Here's what my day looked like:

 (Click to Enlarge)

Sooo I'm learning (well, admitting) that I am a bit of a carb addict! Not gonna lie though, that Steamed Alfredo & Veggie pasta was seriously delicious. I didn't really realize just how many carbs were in that! Also, my Fiber One cereal has a lot, but I love me some fiber. Regardless, I'm still in range for everything, and did better with my protein today. I can't wait to go grocery shopping again and start making simple recipes! Sadly I have another week or so to go until I do.

Other than finishing my workout, my favorite part of my day is entering it into Sparkpeople. I am really close to my goal of 800 calories burned this week. I'm off to study some and play WoW. I hope everyone had a nice day :)

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